Edith May Whitehurst1
F, #23165, b. 1897, d. 8 June 1978
John Cavanagh1
M, #23175, b. 21 July 1857, d. 17 December 1900
- [S161] Genealogics, online www.genealogics.org.
- [S181] Jill Statton, SA Biog Index 1836 - 1885.
May Harriet Gibbs1
F, #23176, b. 15 May 1867, d. 1 July 1942
- [S161] Genealogics, online www.genealogics.org.
Henry Righton Gibbs1
M, #23177, b. 13 November 1834, d. 11 July 1893
|  Henry R Gibbs |
Birth* | Henry Righton Gibbs was born on 13 November 1834 at Wanneroo, Western Australia.1 |
| He was the son of William John Gibbs and Harriet Lacey.1 |
Marriage* | Henry Righton Gibbs married Margaret May Jane Duffy on 26 July 1866 at North Perth, Western Australia. |
Death* | Henry Righton Gibbs died on 11 July 1893 at East Perth, Western AustraliaG, at age 58.1 |
Burial* | He was buried on 13 July 1893 at East Perth, Western AustraliaG; The Inquirer & Commercial News Friday 4 August 1893 P8 THE LATE MR. H. R. GIBBS. Referring to the death of the late Sir. Henry R. Gibbs, a correspondent writes ; - The sad news concerning the death of Sir. Henry R.Gibbs, reported in your paper a few days ago, must have been received with feelings of the deepest regret by those who knew the deceased. Mr. Gibbs was a West Australian by birth, and I believe one of our oldest colonists. Upwards of 40 years ago he selected land in the Wanneroo district, where he remained until two years back, when he retired to the City and took up his residence at North Perth, to enjoy the independence he had made in farming pursuits. Like many other well-known and widely respected settlers, he had his battles to fight, and his success in the farming line is attributable, not to any good luck, but to the many years of honest and active toil on his part spent in assisting to develop the agricultural interests of the colony. He little expected when he left the district in which he had resided for so long a time that two brief years in the City would complete his span; but so the fates decreed, and no better proof could be wanting of the respect and esteem in which he was held, than the large number of influential gentlemen who followed his remains to the grave, whilst others, owing to the sickness so prevalent in the city, were prevented from paying a last tribute of respect to their old and trusted friend. Mr. Gibbs was identified in everything that would tend to improve his district, and anyone who enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance must also have a knowledge of the thoroughly genuine earnestness evinced by him in anything which he under took, and his untiring efforts to bring it to perfection. He was prominent at every race meeting, and always aimed at providing good sport for those who visited his house. As a resident of the district before mentioned, his opinion was always sought after, and his practical knowledge of things was valuable. As a member of the Roads Board almost continuously for the past ten years he did sterling work, and the land holders had their interests well looked after by him in the extension of the present road to Wanneroo. It in gratifying for the friends of the bereaved wife and family to think that they are left well provided for, as deceased had acquired considerable City property and at the time of his death was a large householder. He leaves a large family as well as a number of relatives, and his sons are following up the same business in his district. I think it were poor reward for the family and friends of our worthy colonists were we to allow them to pass from amongst us without a word as to their labour in the colony, and some reference to the services rendered when exposed to the vicissitudes of life in Western Australia forty years ago, when luxuries were forbidden fare; and it is with that end and with a view to perpetuating the memory of one whose goodness and kindness of heart are well known, and whose hospitality so many have enjoyed, that I trespass so much on your valuable space. Mrs. Gibbs and her family may rest assured that they have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in mourning their loss, but the loss sustained in losing the head of the family, at the age of 59, is a great one.
http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/71892195.2,3 |
Margaret May Jane Duffy1
F, #23178, b. 1843, d. 6 August 1909
Immigration* | Margaret May Jane Duffy immigrated on 6 April 1859 to Western Australia on the ship Hamilla Mitchell..2 |
- [S161] Genealogics, online www.genealogics.org.
- [S287] Norma Curnow, Gibbs Family.
Florence Elizabeth Beresford1
F, #23179, b. 1888, d. 10 December 1910
- [S162] Reverse WA Marriage Lookup, online http://www.wamarriage.info/
- [S89] The West, 26/2/2004, 50, 15/12/1910 pg 7.
- [S66] BDM's, AVRI.
- [S62] MCB, online mcb.wa.gov.au.
- [S389] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, APA citationWEDDING. (1908, February 15). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), p. 7 Edition: THIRD EDITION. Retrieved February 18, 2016, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article77335549
- [S632] Find A Grave, online findagrave.com, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/213399504/…
- [S389] Trove, online trove.nla.gov.au, The Sunday Times 10/12/1911 pg 1.
- [S89] The West, 26/2/2004, 50, 9/12/1911 pg 1.
Otto Harvey Kelly1
M, #23186, b. 1880, d. 30 July 1946
Alexander McRae Mackay1
M, #23189, b. circa 1882, d. 12 August 1966
- [S162] Reverse WA Marriage Lookup, online http://www.wamarriage.info/
- [S321] WA Deaths Index - Fiche.
- [S62] MCB, online mcb.wa.gov.au.
- [S373] Fremantle Headstone Transcriptions, online membership.wags.org.au.
Thomas Adlington1
M, #23190, b. circa 1874, d. 21 January 1942