Details of books which I have found which are either about the family, mention family members or were written by a family member. If you know of any other please let me know. Those books which mostly reference the Martin family are featured in the Martin database.

Eastward to the Avon. / by Ronald A. Giblett. Published by Ronald A. Giblett 1990. (Extensive details of Giblett descendants including those of James Giblett and Lucy Martin plus 4 other Martin marriages. There is also a Hayman marriage. I have a copy.)
A New Start : The family history of George GALE & Mary Ann Devine of Grass Valley W.A. / by Russell E. Masters. Published by Russell Master - 2001. (Has extensive details of the descendants of George Gale and Mary Christmass. I have a copy.)

The Book of Minchin : A Family for all Seasons. / by Dorothy Minchin-Comm. Published by Trafford Publishing 2006. (The descendants of Lucy Martin and Alfred Minchin are quite extensive. I have a copy.)
The Winter of Their Discontent : The Storyof James & Elizabeth Minchin of Swan River Settlement. / by Dorothy Minchin Comm. Published by Kangaroo Paw Publishing 2004. (I have a copy.)

In Search of Elizabeth : The history of William and Dianah Roser. / by Janice M. Young. Published by Chatterbox Pty Ltd 1982. (Jan is now known as Jan James. This fabulous book is quite rare. I have 9 Martin, 2 Bear, 1 Bradley and 1 Hayman links to the Roser family. I have a copy though it took me 10 years to find one.)
The Hannett Family of Western Australia 1980. / by Janice M. Young. Published by Janice M. Young. (Jan is now known as Jan James. I have 14 Hannett-Martin marriages and one Hannett-Hayman. WAGS Library has a copy and a digital version is accessable via the E.D.R at WAGS.)

From Warmstone Waddesdon to Western Australia "A Humble Beginning" : A History of James Hitchcock Pioneer Settler to the Swan River Settlement 1842. / By Jan Goodacre. Published by Jan Goodacre 1992. (Jan is now know as Jan James. I have 26 Hitchcock-Martin marriages in my full database as well as two Hitchcock-Bear. WAGS Library has a copy.)
John Morrell : Northam and Beyond. / by Michael J. Duggan. Publsihed by Hesperion Press 2016. (There are 6 Morrell-Martin marriages in my database as well as a Morrell-Mackel and a Morrell-McMillan marriage. This book is quite new and available. It focuses more on photos and family history/information then genealogical tables. I have a copy.)

The Family of Robert and Phoebe Carter. / by Anne Latham. Published by Anne Latham. (There are 10 Martin links to the Carter family in my full database. I have a copy though it took me some years to find one.)
Norfolk poacher to Northam farmer : The life, times and descendants of Robert Carter and Phoebe Oxbury. / by Bevan Carter. Published by Bevan Carter. (This book is an update on the earlier Carter book written by Bevan's sister Anne. I have a copy of the CD/ebook.)

The House of Northbourne Parkers : Pioneers of Western Australia 1830 - 1983. / by Barbara Sewell. Published by Barbara Sewell. (I have 6 Parker-Martin links in my full database. I have a copy.)
The Family of John Kingsbury & Ann Roberts. / by Betty O'Halloran. Published by Betty O'Halloran 2004. (Thomas Kinsbury & Evelyn Martin had a lot of descendants. I have a copy.)

Forrest Family Pioneers of Western Australia 1842-1982 : Family History of William and Margaret Forrest. / by Alison & Dinee Muir. Published by J.R. Muir & Son 1982. (There are 7 Forrest-Martin marriages in my database as well as one Forrest-Hillier. I have a copy as well as a copy of the Descendant Index for this book published in 1991.)
Family and Descendants of Matthew Oliver. / by M.G. Oliver. Published by M.G. Oliver 1988. (There are 7 Oliver-Martin marriages in my database as well as one Oliver-Hayman. WAGS Library has a copy.)

From Lancashire to a Land of Promise : the Families of Robert Kirkman 1799-1999 A History. / by Thelma Lillian Kirkman. Published by Thelma Lillian Kirkman 1999. (James Kirkman and Matilda Martin has a lot of descendants. I have a copy.)
The Angels of Geraldton. By Gary Angel. Published by Gary William Angel 1991. (I have three Angel-Martin marriages in my full database. I have a copy.)

The Caporn's / by the descendants. Published by The Caporn Descendants. (There are 9 Caporn-Martin marriages in my full database. I have a copy.)
The Continuing Moir Saga : A genealogical Record of an Albany family. / by Amelia Moir and Greg Wardell-Johnson. Published by Warjam Publishing 1995. (There are 3 Moir-Martin and one each of Bradley, Bear and Hayman links in my full dabase. I have a copy.)

Settler Footprints from Star : Muir Family : Pioneers of the South West and Eucla, Western Australia, 1844-2005. / By Alison Muir. Publlished by Alison Muir 2005. (I have 3 Muir-Martin marriages in my database as well as one Muir-Hillier. I have a copy.)
The Morgan Family 1750-1986. / by Mary Bentley. Publsihed by Mary Bentley 1986. (There are 3 Morgan-Martin marriages in my database. I have a copy.)

Western Australia Cockman Family Heritage 1829-2004. / by Margaret Cockman. Published by Margaret Cockman 2004. (There are 6 Cockman-Martin links in my full database. I have a copy.)
Following The Sun : Familie Ekert/Eckert. by / Helen A. Butt. Published by Helen A. Butt 2005. (Helen is a great great great grandaughter of William & Lucy Martin. She is also one of the pioneers of Martin family research. I have a copy.)

To All My Dear People : The Dairy and Letters of Private Hubert P. Demasson 1916-1917. / editied by Rachael Christensen. Published by Fremantle Arts Centre Press 1988. (Hubert's wife, Lillian Blanche Minchin was a great grandaughter or William & Lucy Martin. I have a copy.)
Nurses of the Outback : 15 Amazing Lives in Remote Area Nursing. / by Annabelle Brayley. Published by The Penguin Group 2014. (Maureen Ker OAM, great great grandaughter of William & Lucy Martin is featured in this book. I have a copy.)

John Hepworth : ....his book. / by John Hepworth. Published by Angus & Robertson 1978. (I have a copy.)
The Long Green Shore. / by John Hepworth. Published by Pan McMillan Australia 1995. (John Hepworth was a great great grandson of William & Lucy Martin. He wrote a number of other books. I have a copy of this one.)