• [S238] Lee History, online leehistory.net. Hereinafter cited as Lee History.
  • [S248] Brian Peachey, The Caseys, A Short History (Perth, WA: Brian Peachey, 1980). Hereinafter cited as The Caseys.
  • [S275] Unknown author, http://www.public-cemeteries.net (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
  • [S276] Lofthouse, Judy,Brisbane, QLD.
  • [S280] Coffey, Leonie,WA.
  • [S286] Max Slee, Slee Family History (Max Slee 1976).
  • [S333] IanSmithLeeming - Ancestry,Leeming, WA.
  • [S344] Western Argus, online trove.nla.gov.au. Hereinafter cited as Western Argus.
  • [S346] Barbara King, Through The Seventh Gate (Barbara King 1994).
  • [S352] Talltrees, Jarrahdale Cemetery., CD-ROM (Perth, WA: Talltrees, 2000), Cemetery. Hereinafter cited as Jarrahdale Cemetery.
  • [S364] JohnSmith.Ged,unknown location.
  • [S368] Craig Lee and John Smart, The Smart Heritage (Crystal Brook, SA: Elizabeth Smart, 1986). Hereinafter cited as The Smart Heritage.
  • [S380] Wikipedia, online en.wikipedia.org. Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
  • [S381] Australian Dictionary of Biography, online sdb.anu.edu.au/biography/. Hereinafter cited as Australian Dictionary of Biography.
  • [S393] Jonsson Family, online http://www.tommy-jonsson.se/webtrees/individual.php. Hereinafter cited as Jonsson Family.
  • [S405] Southern Metro Cemeteries Victoria, online http://smct.org.au. Hereinafter cited as Southern Metro Cemeteries.
  • [S413] Springvale Cemetery, online sbc.smct.org.au. Hereinafter cited as Springvale Cemetery.
  • [S420] Bev Waterman Data,Australia.
  • [S426] Bev Johnson,South Australia.
  • [S448] Leonie Little,WA.
  • [S462] Jeff Pothero,WA.
  • [S499] Moya Vanags-Lang,Qld.
  • [S525] Steve Sallur,Perth, WA.
  • [S531] Qld BDMS, Qld Index 1890-1914., CD-ROM (Hampton, Victoria: Macbeth Genealogical Services, June 2004), BDMs. Hereinafter cited as Qld Index 1890-1914.
  • [S535] Jeny Hall,NSW.
  • [S542] Robyn Sullivan,NSW.
  • [S561] Qld BMD, online bmd.qld.gov.au. Hereinafter cited as Qld BMD.
  • [S582] Annmarie Capewell,NSW.
  • [S586] Sussex Family History Society - Baptisms, online sfhg.frontis.co. Hereinafter cited as SFHG - Baptisms.
  • [S589] Les Verrall,Qld.
  • [S591] Lesley A Lane & John R.P. Francis, Curraghboy to Mourambine - A Journey from Ireland to Australia - John Patrick Higgins - His Story and his Descendants (n.pub.).
  • [S593] Bev Mappin, Our Gillon Family (n.pub.).
  • [S606] Daphne Braham,England.
  • [S608] Susan McCourt,NSW.
  • [S650] Natalie Peters,WA.
  • [S669] Moya Vanags-Lang,Qld.
  • [S678] WA Convicts, online https://waconvicts.fhwa.org.au/. Hereinafter cited as WA Convicts.
  • [S684] John Tracey,WA.