• [S281] Bywaters, Gladys,WA.
  • [S313] Frith Family Tree - Ancestry.Com,Australia.
  • [S372] Charless Charlesworth, The Mitchells of Bunbury (Western Australia: Charless Charlesworth, 1990). Hereinafter cited as The Mitchells of Bunbury.
  • [S401] Aust War Memorial, online www.awm.gov.au. Hereinafter cited as Aust War Memorial.
  • [S423] Pamela Bryant,Victoria.
  • [S498] Eugene Herbert, From Creation to Camballup (Eugene Herbert).
  • [S511] May Margin,NSW.
  • [S512] Broken Hill Cemetery, online bhcemetery.com.au. Hereinafter cited as Broken Hill Cemetery.
  • [S532] Qld BDMS, Qld Index 1829-1889., CD-ROM (Hampton, Victoria: Macbeth Genealogical Services, June 2004), BDMs. Hereinafter cited as Qld Index 1829-1889.
  • [S562] WA Birth Notices 1931-1940 (WAGS). Hereinafter cited as WA Birth Notices 1931-1940.
  • [S586] Sussex Family History Society - Baptisms, online sfhg.frontis.co. Hereinafter cited as SFHG - Baptisms.
  • [S595] C.M. Noack, Ulonin Hill Farm (n.pub.).
  • [S607] Telfer FHA, A Telfer Family Tree (Telfer FHA).
  • [S613] Mal Anderson,WA.
  • [S619] Cynthia Henley-Smith, The Tucker Family in Australia (Tucker Fa,ily History Trust).
  • [S654] Liz Turner,Aust.
  • [S660] Rose-Marie Hillier,Balmain, NSW.
  • [S672] John Henderson,WA.